FRESH! presents: Tamarae (ALBUM RELEASE PARTY)
17-04-2022 @ 21:00 – 23:00
FRESH! is a new and vibrant jazz concert series in Den Haag. Featuring fresh music projects by the young international musicians connected to the Koninklijk Conservatorium Den Haag. The artists in our line-up span from traditional jazz bands to soulful pop vocalists, and from professional orchestras to party-creating swing bands. FRESH! is here to show Den Haag that its local scene of upcoming talent is more alive than ever and ready to get on stage!
My debut album, ”The Ocean Knows” represents a proces of growth, discovery and experimentation, Leaving space for improvisation yet commiting to a clear vision. I’m introducing you to a myriad of my loves,
beginnings & endings
intensity & tenderness
pain & fear
longing & joyfulness
The music reflects these dual feelings with a flowing nature and underneath the surface you’ll find layers of irregular and compelling motion. A subtle mixture of soul and pop with jazz elements.
- Alba Gil Aceytuno – Alto Sax
- Daniël Font – Guitar
- Raphaël Royer – E & Double bass
- David Puime – Drums
- Tamara Baas – Vocals, guitar & composition
Students enjoy a 50% discount!