februari 27 20:30 22:30


In the mood for a good laugh? Come see 9 fantastic comedians at the Bon Comedy open mic night at Musicon! These comedians will perform 8 minute sets for your enjoyment, tackling topics such as relationships, conspiracy theories, the Dutch, and everything in between!

After the first 4 comics there will be a nice little break where you can go outside to drink heavily and shout at one another.


Doors: 08.00 p.m.
Start: 09.30 p.m.
End: 10.30 p.m.


Pre-sale: €5,-
Doors: €5,-

12-12-2023 20:30 22:30


In the mood for a good laugh? Come see 9 fantastic comedians at the Bon Comedy open mic night at Musicon! These comedians will perform 8 minute sets for your enjoyment, tackling topics such as relationships, conspiracy theories, the Dutch, and everything in between!

After the first 4 comics there will be a nice little break where you can go outside to drink heavily and shout at one another.


15-12-2023 20:00 22:00

English Below


Grappen over liefde, het leven en cultuurschok met vragen die antwoorden oproepen die weer nieuwe vragen oproepen. Ben ik een expat, ben ik een immigrant, of nog beter, een alien? Hoe overleeft men Nederlandse artsen? Zijn mijn gedachten schandelijk, schuldig of ondeugend? WAT in ‘s hemelsnaam betekent dit allemaal?! We zullen al lachend een antwoord vinden tijdens deze twee uur durende show terwijl we door de ruimte suizen op een zwevende rots! ☄️

Geboren in de tijd voor Tikkie en Tinder, toen bellen naar huis een vaste lijn vereiste, zijn Michael Jäger (Duitsland) en Rogier Bak (Nederland) twee aliens waar je verliefd op zult worden – offline en op tijd (serieus, de show begint stipt om 20.00 uur). Een echte show met ‘echte’ mensen (dat zijn wij) en echte lachen (dat zijn jullie). Als je niet lacht, zullen Michael en Rogier je kietelen met hun absoluut niet-buitenaardse vingers.


Jokes about love, life, and culture shock with questions that bring answers that bring more questions. Am I an expat, am I an immigrant, or better yet, an alien? How does one survive Dutch doctors? Are my thoughts shameful, guilty or kinky? WHAT in the other-world does all this mean?! We’ll laugh our way to an answer during this two-hour show as we hurtle through space on a floating rock! 

Born in pre-Tikkie-Tinder-times when phoning home required a landline, Michael Jäger (GER) and Rogier Bak (NL) are two aliens you’ll fall in love with—off-line and on-time (seriously, the show starts at 8 PM on the dot). A real show with ‘real’ people (that’s us), and real laughs (that’s you). If you don’t laugh then Michael and Rogier will tickle you with their definitely-not-alien-fingers. 

14-11-2023 20:30 22:30


In the mood for a good laugh? Come see 9 fantastic comedians at the Bon Comedy open mic night at Musicon! These comedians will perform 8 minute sets for your enjoyment, tackling topics such as relationships, conspiracy theories, the Dutch, and everything in between!

Line Up

After the first 4 comics there will be a nice little break where you can go outside to drink heavily and shout at one another.

27-06-2023 20:30 22:30

In the mood for a good laugh? Come see 9 fantastic comedians at the Bon Comedy open mic night at Musicon! These comedians will perform 8 minute sets for your enjoyment, tackling topics such as relationships, conspiracy theories, the Dutch, and everything in between!


MC: Benny Hintjens

After the first 4 comics there will be a nice little break where you can go outside to drink heavily and shout at one another.

30-05-2023 20:30 22:30


In the mood for a good laugh? Come see 9 fantastic comedians at the Bon Comedy open mic night at Musicon! These comedians will perform 8 minute sets for your enjoyment, tackling topics such as relationships, conspiracy theories, the Dutch, and everything in between!


MC: Benny Hintjens

After the first 4 comics there will be a nice little break where you can go outside to drink heavily and shout at one another.

*It is possible to buy tickets at the door for the same price

25-04-2023 20:30 22:30


In the mood for a good laugh? Come see 9 fantastic comedians at the Bon Comedy open mic night at Musicon! These comedians will perform 8 minute sets for your enjoyment, tackling topics such as relationships, conspiracy theories, the Dutch, and everything in between!


MC: Benny Hintjens

After the first 4 comics there will be a nice little break where you can go outside to drink heavily and shout at one another.

Doors open 20:00, show starts 20:30

28-02-2023 20:30 23:00

Bon Comedy

In the mood for a good laugh? Come see 9 fantastic comedians at the Bon Comedy open mic night at Musicon! These comedians will perform 8 minute sets for your enjoyment, tackling topics such as relationships, conspiracy theories, the Dutch, and everything in between!


MC: Benny Hintjens

After the first 4 comics there will be a nice little break where you can go outside to drink heavily and shout at one another.

Doors open 20:00, show starts 20:30